The new patch came out!! I looked over everything in CAS and I found tons of new skin tones, vampire accessories (fangs and V on neck), pointy ears, ear orbit, underbite, and you can change the nostrils to make them more realistic or supernatural. There are also new objects and a collection journal.

It was a nice surprise to get the patch and try making a few more sims before Supernatural comes out on Tuesday! 

I posted 2 new Sims. The man will be a vampire and the woman will be a faerie!
I am really loving playing the Pumer family! They are finally going to have their first child and almost at the tops of their careers! Is the format of that legacy working for people? Is it easy to see the story progression, or should it be broke up into more pages??
Since the 50 foal challenge was a bust and I can't stand to play only one game at a time, I've decided to start a new legacy in addition to the Cleveland legacy. Meet Rose and Walt Pumer who are dating and just moved into town. Rose's goal is to become a pervasive private eye, but secretly she would love to become a zoologist... ;) Walt is a good talker and wants to become a CEO of a mega-corporation. Keep checking back on both legacies to see how the families progress!
These are the first normal looking wild horses I have ever seen in my games! I just had to share them.